A Good Samaritan in legal terms refers to someone who renders aid in an emergency to an injured person on a voluntary basis. The intent of Good Samaritan laws is to make it possible for those wary of lawsuits to help save a person without fear of legal recourse if the person is hurt by the treatment or dies.
Good Samaritan laws only help if the rescuer is acting without any expectation of reward. If you are getting paid to rescue then you aren't a Good Samaritan. Paid rescuers are expected to do their jobs properly and can be held accountable for mistakes.
All "Good Samaritans" shall state their level of training. Before giving first aid to a victim who is conscious, it is important to identify yourself as a trained rescuer and ask for permission to help the person. Under law, the victim must give consent. However, if the person is unconscious, consent is implied.
If the victim is a minor, consent must come from a parent or guardian. However, if the legal parent or guardian is absent, unconscious, delusional or intoxicated, consent is implied. A responder is not required to withhold life-saving aid from a minor if the parent or guardian will not consent. The parent or guardian is then considered neglecting, and consent for treatment is implied.